Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Great thing about Egypt

The great thing about Egypt is that it's so dry that you can leave potato chips out in a bowl for a month and they won't get soggy from humidity.


Anonymous said...


That's the great thing about Egypt?

The great thing about Egypt is that you can get falafel at any hour of any day within a short walk.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Abu Salam.

We, Egyptians, know that this is not the great thing about Egypt.

It WOULD be the great thing about Egypt, if those chips would be there the week after you left them out. But in Egypt, someone would come by and take them.

So, this COULD be the great thing about Egypt, but - like many things in Egypt - is somehow made into a mess.

SavtaDotty said...

They have potato chips in Egypt?

Oren said...

I like the idea behind your blog... please don't get arrested!

nominally challenged said...

Oops, Oren, I think it might have happened ... Abu Salam hasn't blogged for 5 days ... They could be forcefeeding him chips as we speak ...