Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Exploring Israel

Despite the difficulty of posting photos from slow Lebanese internet connections, I'm going to begin writing about Israel from a Lebanese/Arab perspective.

I'll be covering issues of language, settlement, history, ethnicity, and much, much more.


Anonymous said...

Kewl, should be interesting to see how Israel and Israelis are viewed from your perspective! Looking forward to finding out what you think.

Solomon said...

Interesting site you've got here...

thebookmistress said...

Well? You cannot tease us with such a promising premise, and then not follow through!

Lirun said...

sharing the curiosity

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone:

It would be much appreciated if you could visit my new blog:

I am trying to lift it off the ground so it would be appreciated if you could comment, thank you.